Noahs Ark

Nursery -  6 weeks to 18 months

The Noah’s Ark Room is where your child is embarking on a journey that will lead them on many roads of discovery and learning. We provide opportunities for the children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine and we believe that learning is happening all the time and is learnt through all development domains. These include physical, social / emotional / cognitive and communication realms.

In the Noah’s Ark Room, we believe language is very important and we communicate with the children through singing, reading stories/felt board, puppets, hand gestures and Auslan Key Signs.

Most of the experiences in the Noah’s Ark Room are sensorial experiences which include shaving cream, finger painting, playdough & natural resources, mud, goop and exploring our sensory dome which is changed regularly following the children’s interests.

The Noah’s Ark Room provide a warm, respectful and consistent environment in which the children learn and feel a strong sense of belonging. Our educational programs are centred on respect for young children as capable, involved and self initiated learners and human beings in their own right. Our room philosophy is influenced by Magda Gerber's RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) approach.


The RIE approach focuses on the beliefs that:

  • Relationships are essential to learning, development and wellbeing
  • Each child is a self learner
  • The child is a natural explorer of their world
  • Children initiate their own learning and play
  • The carefully prepared environment provides challenges but is a safe space for all children
  • The environment is emotionally nurturing
  • Children have the freedom and time to interact with other childre
  • Each child is sensitively observed in order for Educarers to meet his or her needs
  • Children are involved in all care activities to allow the child to be an active participant
  • There are clearly defined limits and care is consistent

The Educaring approach is about building beautiful, positive partnerships between the infants and their educators. Our environment is kept calm, relaxing and simple, with carefully chosen resources to allow for manipulation, exploration, discovery and problem solving.